Tips before starting the massage

To be prepared, before starting the massage, it is better to know the following points:

  • Consider a suitable, warm and smooth surface for massage.
  • Place a suitable and soft blanket or mattress on this flat surface.
  • Place the baby on this surface.
  • You can remove the diaper or even massage it with the diaper.
  • Put a little baby oil in your palm and rub your hands together until they warm up a little.
  • Use very, very little and brief pressure and do not press with too much force.
  • Use very, very little and brief pressure and do not press with too much force.

Also, massage is not recommended for babies with reflux or stomach acid reflux, as it can have unpleasant consequences for your baby.

Stages of massaging the baby's body:

Children love to be touched. In other words, touch plays a vital role in your baby's development. Skin-to-skin contact not only helps you bond emotionally with your baby, but can also soothe and comfort your baby when she's upset. While facing your baby, use two or three fingers to massage the right side of the baby's abdomen in a straight line or I-shaped motion with firm but gentle movements. Start this massage from under her ribs and continue directly to the hip joint. Use oil to make the massage easier.

The next movement is in the shape of an English letter "L" slightly open on the baby's stomach. In this way, in the first step, from left to right, massage your child's belly horizontally, so that one side of the letter L is formed. The next movement is in the shape of an English letter "L" slightly open on the baby's stomach. In this way, in the first step, from left to right, massage your child's belly horizontally, so that one side of the letter L is formed. For the middle part of the letter U, move your fingers across the top of the baby's belly. To begin the last movement, which is in the shape of an upside-down English letter "U", start the massage from the baby's pelvic bone on the left side of his abdomen to form one side of the letter U.

Massage the baby's body parts separately

If you want to choose and perform only one part of the baby's body instead of a general massage, you can massage each part of your baby's body separately in the following way:

Feet: A baby's feet are a good place to start a massage because they are less sensitive than other parts of the body. Using a little oil, wrap your hands around one of her thighs and go down to her ankles, pulling the hands down one after the other and applying gentle pressure. Repeat the same for the other leg.

Below the ankle: Take one leg in your hand and slowly rotate it several times in each direction. Then massage the child's foot from the wrist to the toes, and you can repeat the same for the other foot.

Soles: Use your thumb to massage the soles of each foot and massage the soles with circular movements. Massage all over the soles of both feet in this way.

Toes: To complete the foot massage, take each toe between your thumb and forefinger and gently pull until your fingers slide past the end of the baby's toe. Do this for all 10 toes.

Hands: Hold one of your baby's arms and gently pull from his armpit to his wrist. Then, take his hand and gently rotate the wrist several times in each direction. Repeat the same movement for the other hand. field-mfn-page-items-0-4-wraps-0-items-0-fields-content

Palms: To massage the palms, draw small circles with your thumb across the palm of each hand.

Fingers: Hold the baby's finger gently between your thumb and forefinger and pull it outwards until it slips through your fingers. Do this for all of his fingers.

Chest: Put your palms together in prayer position and place them on the baby's heart. Then open your hands and slowly spread your palms on his chest and pull down. Repeat this several times. Then place the palm of one hand on the child's chest and slowly pull it down from the chest to his thighs. Repeat this movement several times.

Waist and back: sleep the baby on his stomach. Using your fingertips, draw small circles on either side of her spine, from her neck to her hips. You can repeat this movement several times.

Try to look into your baby's eyes during the massage process and sing or talk to him during the massage and then pay attention to your baby's responses and reactions. If she doesn't seem to be enjoying the massage, try lighter movements or stop it altogether. When the massage is done, put the baby in a diaper and hold him, he will most likely fall asleep immediately.