Saving needy babies by donating breast milk

What is a milk bank?


Mother’s Milk

In addition to providing all the vitamins and nutrients your baby needs in the first six months of life, breast milk is rich in substances that protect the baby against diseases.

Experts recommend feeding the baby exclusively with breast milk, especially in the first six months, because there is no substitute for breast milk in the first six months.

A brief summary of the benefits of breast milk:

  • Protecting the baby from diseases and other dangers
  • Protecting the baby from allergies and sensitivities
  • Strengthening and increasing the intelligence of the baby
  • Prevention of child obesity



Building a milk bank

The constant concern of World Health Organization activists to find a suitable alternative to artificial milk in 1909 led to the establishment of the first breast milk bank in the city of Vienna in Austria, and after that, other countries gradually followed suit.

Replacing mother's milk with artificial milk is an event that has been popular in Iranian families for years, an event that, in addition to imposing a lot of costs on the family, also causes some physical discomfort in the baby. In the meantime, the establishment of the mother's milk bank has promised a new movement in this field for the healthy nutrition of infants deprived of mother's milk

Donating milk is a humanitarian act that has no financial benefit for the donor and is provided free of charge to the recipient.


Benefits of milk bank

In hospitals where babies are born, as well as in children's hospitals that have neonatal departments,due to being born earlier than 37 weeks, are admitted as premature babies and cannot be fed with their mother's milk In addition, we have mothers with high blood pressure, diabetes and other underlying diseases, as well as mothers with two or more twins, who either cannot breastfeed their babies, or their milk production may be low and they cannot meet the needs of their twins. . All of these babies, since they cannot feed on their mother's milk, are inevitably fed through artificial milk.

milk powder

Powdered milk is an artificial milk, which is actually the same cow's milk that has been transformed into a powder Although these milks satisfy babies' hunger, they do not meet their needs and may harm their health, such as necrotizing enter colic disease, which is part of the cause of this disease caused by feeding with powdered milk.

The world has provided a solution for this problem since the previous years, which is the mother's milk bank


Necessary conditions for donation:

  • Age above 18 years
  • health Full physical and mental
  • Having an infant under one-year-old
  • Having extra milk for your child's needs
  • Hepatitis B and C and AIDS tests are negative
  • Do not be an addict or smoker
  • Their spouses should not be addicted to drugs , alcohol, etc.
  • Do not have a history of tattooing, pressing organ transplant, receiving blood and blood products during pregnancy and after.


Milk Bank and its relationship with Rezai's kinship

Nursing means breastfeeding, according to Shia jurisprudence and the opinion of all the scholars, breastfeeding causes sukhari when the infant sucks the milk from the breast. be)


milk donation

First of all, be sure that you have enough milk for your child, talk to your wife and get her agreement.

Then, visit the two centers below to complete the milk donation form and get pregnancy screening tests. Also, see the necessary training for correct milking, milk storage and transfer, and bottle delivery.

Zahray marziyeh Hospital, entrance 3, second floor, Bank of Milk

03138224826 - 09162887361

Hazrat Zahrai Marzieh Hospital (S), Building No. 4, First Floor, Breastfeeding Consultation Room 03134461640 Ext. 2563