The CCU department is a special cardiac care department and patients with cardiovascular problems (acute heart attack/cardiac arrhythmias/uncontrolled blood pressure/pulmonary embolism/heart failure) are admitted in this department. Next to this department is the POST CCU department, which has 10 beds and an isolated room.

The CCU department has 13 beds and one isolated bed, all of which are equipped with cardiovascular monitoring.

The facilities of the department include 24 central monitors, 3 electrocardiogram machines and 4 DC Shek machines for reviving and sending patients.

All beds are equipped with controls, and all facilities, including nurse alarms, wardrobes, desks, and monitors, are equipped with pulse oximetry, thermometer, and blood pressure devices. All monitors are connected to a central monitor located in the nursing station. It is located next to the echocardiography and exercise test room