یOne of the simplest methods of treating infertility is through sperm insemination into the uterus, which is widely used and can increase the chances of fertility in couples.

IUI is less invasive and less expensive than IVF.

In cases where the cause of infertility is low sperm or low sperm motility, the best method is to use IUI.

Other causes of infertility, including uterine problems, endometriosis, and cervical problems can also be treated with IUI.

What is IUI?

In this infertility treatment method, male sperm is collected in the laboratory and then inserted into the woman's uterus with special tools to increase the chance of contact between sperm and egg.

There is no age limit for doing IUI, but the state of egg, sperm and fallopian tubes are important for a successful result, which is significantly affected by age, so if your repeated attempts to get pregnant are unsuccessful, IUI treatment should not be done. Postpone. Since the success rate depends on the fertility cause and the sperm quality and the age of the mother, it is often recommended to do at least three IUI cycles in a row.

IUI department services:

The IUI Department of Zahra Marzieh Fertility Clinic in Isfahan offers a wide range of IUI services. These services include the following:

  • Initial consultation and assessment: At this stage, couples are evaluated by an infertility specialist and their conditions are checked to perform IUI.
  • Egg and sperm preparation At this stage, female eggs and male sperm are prepared for fertilization.
  • Egg and sperm fertilization At this stage, the egg and sperm are fertilized together in the laboratory.
  • Embryo transfer At this stage, the embryos resulting from fertilization are transferred to the woman's uterus.
  • Advantages of using the services of the IUI Department of Zahra Marzieh Fertility Clinic in Isfahan:
  • High quality and safety: The IUI Department of Zahra Marzieh Fertility Clinic in Isfahan guarantees the quality and safety of IUI services by using experienced and expert staff as well as advanced equipment and facilities.
  • Complete facilities and equipment The IUI Department of Zahra Marzieh Fertility Clinic in Isfahan is equipped with complete facilities and equipments that meet the needs of couples during the IUI process.
  • High experience and expertise of doctors Specialist doctors in the IUI Department of Zahra Marzieh Fertility Clinic in Isfahan have high experience and expertise in the field of IUI.

Steps of IUI treatment:

Before intrauterine insemination, ovulation stimulating drugs are usually used so that the doctor can monitor closely to determine when the egg matures and is released.

Around the time you ovulate, usually 24-36 hours after the rise of the LH hormone, which indicates that ovulation is going to happen soon, the semen is washed by the laboratory to separate the sperm from the semen.

Using a catheter, sperm are sent directly into the uterus.

In this method, the number of sperm cells that reach the uterus reaches the maximum possible amount, thus the possibility of fertilization increases.

The best chance of pregnancy is if there are 2-3 follicles More follicles can increase the chances of multiple pregnancy

The procedure takes only a few minutes and is a simple, painless procedure that involves no anesthesia with minimal discomfort.

In case of failure after performing IUI three times, you should use another infertility treatment method.